


I sense that when people happen upon this website, or when they search the company name “From Here to There”, they may think they have found a moving company.  Interestingly, the name does imply movement, but not in the form of moving furniture.

The name was selected for two reasons. The first, to acknowledge the movement through grief. Grief is a journey, whether that be grief with an initial diagnosis, caring for a terminally ill or medically fragile loved one, the heaviness of anticipatory grief, or the gut-wrenching loneliness after the death of a loved one… people want to know: How will I get

through this? How will I survive this grief? How can I do this?  Grieving people often feel stuck, the once easy process of moving through life becomes complex, difficult.  I believe that with a variety of supports, families can survive horrible circumstances, and eventually find hope.

The second reason the company name exists is to acknowledge my daughter Hailey.  Hailey passed away at the age of five, after living with cancer for two and half years. One of her favourite bedtime stories was “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” by Dr. Seuss.


Today is gone. Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one.
Every day,
From here to there,
Funny things are everywhere.

– Dr. Seuss

Reading that paragraph reminds me to keep moving. Each day is a new day, presenting both the possibilities of happiness and sadness. It truly depends on how I chose to carry my grief. Through the eyes of my daughter, there is something to smile about, something to learn, and always a new adventure waiting to be found.  

Carmen’s Approach

Grieving families will find a safe, supportive, and warm environment when working with me. All questions, grieving styles, and of course—big emotions—are welcome. My hope for each grieving individual is to help them find their voice again, and to build upon their own resiliency. We will create movement again, from here to there: wherever your here is and your there may be.